Biomedical Relevance of Biological Smart Materials Approach for Synthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles by Agrobacterium

Review Article

Austin J Nanomed Nanotechnol. 2023; 11(1): 1071.

Biomedical Relevance of Biological Smart Materials Approach for Synthesis of Selenium Nanoparticles by Agrobacterium

Anil Kumar1-3*; Shikha Saxena1; GM Shrivastawa2; Rajesh Hanote4; Rajendra Chauhan4; Preetibala Pal5; Niharika Bhawsar5; Rajkumar Chaukikar5; Khushbu Bathari6; Bijendar Singh7

1Department of Zoology, Govt Girls PG College, Ujjain, MP, India

2Department of Botany, Govt Tilak PG College, Katni, MP, India

3Department of Biotechnology, Vivekanand Science College, Betul, MP, India

4Department of Zoology, Motilal Govt. Science College, Bhopal, MP, India

5Department of Biotechnology, Microbiology, JH Govt PG College, Betul, MP, India

6Department of Microbiology, BU, Bhopal, MP, India

7Department of Chemistry, HBTU, Kanpur, UP, India

*Corresponding author: Anil Kumar Department of Zoology, Govt Girls PG College, Ujjain, MP, India. Email ID:

Received: October 03, 2023 Accepted: November 07, 2023 Published: November 14, 2023


Nanotechnologies are making more efforts to develop new materials to use in different ways to be beneficial to human life. Their unique properties are constantly being improved to enhance more effective and perfect activity as per the requirement. Researchers are continuously producing highly useful materials with the help of different types of microorganisms and green technology for the synthesis of nanoparticles as per the requirement. Primarily Agrobacterium species are the most useful microorganisms for the synthesis of selenium nanoparticles in the diameter range of nanoscale. These are capable and more effective in making nanomaterials from selenium to use in medicinal and other applications. These are opening a new dimension in the field of medical science which is beneficial for multipurpose use directly or indirectly.

The schematic diagrams of the abstract

Keywords: Nanotechnology; Agrobacterium; Selenium nanoparticles; Medicinal use


In recent times globally, research on selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) synthesized using various techniques has emerged as novel antimicrobial agents for their unique chemical and physical properties [1-5]. In recent times, most cases have paid attention to microbial transmittable diseases, which have posed noteworthy challenges to comprehensive health globally, in particular, alongside the appearance of resistant fungi and the unpleasant special effects allied with the expanded use of effective antifungal treatment [6-8]. This makes it imperative for the development of secure and effective alternatives to conventional antifungal drugs. Thus, instead of antifungal studies on SeNPs, it could be very useful for dimension open a new technology in the subjects of science known as biomedical, biotechnology, chemistry, electronics, and medicine [9-11].