The Mature Ovarian Teratoma: Sign of the Poke Ball

Clinical Image

Austin Gynecol Case Rep. 2023; 8(2): 1043.

The Mature Ovarian Teratoma: Sign of the Poké Ball

F Chait*; S Essetti; N Bahlouli; N Allali; S El Haddad; L Chat

Pediatric Radiology Service, Rabat Children’s Hospital, Avicenne University Hospital, Morocco

*Corresponding author: Fatima Chait Pediatric Radiology Service, Rabat Children’s Hospital, Avicenne University Hospital, Morocco. Email:

Received: June 30, 2023 Accepted: August 10, 2023 Published: August 17, 2023

Clinical Image

The "Poké Ball sign" is a distinctive radiological feature observed in mature cystic ovarian teratomas. It is characterized by the presence of a spherical structure floating at the interface between fat and fluid, resembling a Poké Ball (Figure 1) [1]. In the Pokémon® series, a Poké Ball is a spherical device utilized for capturing and containing Pokémon [2].

Citation: F Chait, S Essetti, N Bahlouli, N Allali, S El Haddad, et al. The Mature Ovarian Teratoma: Sign of the Poké Ball. Austin Gynecol Case Rep. 2023; 8(2): 1043.